Wazifa For Marriage Proposal Acceptance
Wazifa For Marriage Proposal Acceptance
Wazifa For Marriage Proposal Acceptance or for quick marriage proposal can be called powerful wazifa to get good marriage proposal. Use our surah ahzab for marriage proposals. We all fall in love with a particular person and wish to spend the rest of our lives with them. We want to be surrounded by only the people who love us. But when we approach marrying that person, there is a huge competition for getting your marriage proposal accepted.You also need to know how to do istikhara for marriage for Marriage Proposal Acceptance.
There is a very long line of prospective proposals ahead of yours. Therefore, the competition becomes very high. So, how to ensure that your marriage proposal gets accepted. If you incline love towards someone, here is a solution. We have given the wazifa for marriage proposal acceptance. Here, the powerful wazifa to get a good marriage proposal and wazifa for a quick marriage proposal. Also, read on to find the Surah Ahzab for marriage proposals.
Wazifa For Marriage Proposal Acceptance
There can be denial in marriage proposals because of several reasons. These are poor personality, effects of negative energy, bad habits, low income, poor social status, etc. If your marriage is not going through because of these reasons, here is wazifa.
- Firstly, make ablution. Dress properly in neat and tidy clothes.
- Secondly, recite Yaa Allah Alhamdullilah.
- Recite the dua for a total number of 1000 times.
- Pray to Allah for marriage proposal acceptance.
- Perform this dua for a total number of 40 days. Inshallah, your marriage proposal will turn into good news.
Alternatively, you can try this wazifa. Do you feel lovingly attracted to someone? Do you want to marry that person? If yes, then try this wazifa for marriage proposal acceptance.
- Firstly, recite two rakats of Nafil in a day.
- Secondly, recite YaAlliyu for a total number of 2700 times.
- Thirdly, recite DuroodShareef for two times, once at the beginning of the dua and once at the end of it.
- Now, pray to Allah to fulfill your wish and accept this wazifa for marriage proposal acceptance.
Perform this wazifa for marriage proposal acceptance with a pure heart and a clear conscience. Also, keep a strong faith in the power of Allah and belief in the wazifa for marriage proposal acceptance. Inshallah, your desires will be fulfilled, and you will hear some good news very soon. All you need to do is perform this wazifa from the bottom of your heart.
Powerful Wazifa To Get A Good Marriage Proposal
Powerful Wazifa To Get A Good Marriage Proposal, Marriage is one of the most beautiful parts of life. But not all can experience the goodness of marriage. While some don’t get any marriage proposals, then others don’t get good marriage proposals. Therefore, this loop continues and the frustration of not finding a good partner. A set of problems like dowry, economic status, and social images encircle the happiness of marriage. To get rid of these problems, here is a powerful wazifa to get a good marriage proposal.
- Firstly, wash your hands and body thoroughly. Clean up yourself.
- Secondly, find a quiet corner to perform the wazifa.
- Place yourself on the Janamaz.
- Recite YaAlliyu for a total number of 2970 times.
- Now, pray to Allah for suitable proposals for marriage.
- Perform this dua after sunset.
- Continue performing this wazifa for 42 days.
Perform this powerful wazifa to get a good marriage proposal with a pure heart and a clear conscience. Also, keep a strong faith in the power of Allah and belief in the powerful wazifa to get a good marriage proposal. Inshallah, your desires will be fulfilled, and you will hear some good news very soon. All you need to do is perform this wazifa from the bottom of your heart.
Wazifa For Quick Marriage Proposal
Wazifa For Quick Marriage Proposal, In our society, everyone starts talking about finding a marriage proposal as soon as he/she attains a suitable age. The societal pressure keeps increasing. This leads to tension in the family. To eliminate the delay in marriage, here is a wazifa for a quick marriage proposal.
- Firstly, make fresh wudu. Dress yourself in clean clothes.
- Secondly, recite Surah Yasin.
- Thirdly, recite the verse number 24 of Surah Duha. Recite them for a total number of eleven times.
- Recite DuroodShareef for a total number of eleven times.
- Read DuroodShareef again for eleven times.
- Recite the name of Allah in between the two rounds of recitation of DuroodShareef.
- Now, recite Surah Tauba.
- Next, read it’s 129th verse for 1100 times.
- Now, recite Surah Maryam.
- Finally, recite Surah Muzammil.
- Perform this wazifa for a total number of 42 days.
Perform this wazifa for a quick marriage proposal with a pure heart and a clear conscience. Also, keep a strong faith in the power of Allah and belief in the wazifa for a quick marriage proposal. Inshallah, your desires will be fulfilled, and you will hear some good news very soon. All you need to do is perform this wazifa from the bottom of your heart. If your parents are not agree for love marriage then use our wazifa to agree parents for love marriage.
Surah Ahzab For Marriage Proposals
Surah Ahzab For Marriage Proposals, Surah Al Ahzab is a miracle in the world of marriage. It has the potential to do wonders. Any problem-related marriage exists, Surah Al Ahzab is there to solve it. A marriage of your choice, marriage to the loved one, and agreeing parents for a love marriage is possible with Surah Al Ahzab.
How to perform the Surah Ahzab for marriage?
Day 1
- Firstly, Begin with this wazifa at any time of any day.
- Secondly, Stay in a state of ablution.
- Thirdly, Take a crisp and clean white paper.
- Begin writing Chapter Al-Ahzab Verse #33 with pen in Arabic.
- Please fold the paper and place it in a clean box.
- Firmly close the box and keep it out of reach of anyone.
- Afterward, recite the same Chapter Al-Ahzab.
- Lastly, make a dua to Allah for fulfilling your wish from the bottom of your heart.
Day 2
- Recite Surah Ahzab from the noble Quran Shareef.
- Make a dua to Allah for accepting your wish
- Keep doing the procedure until you see the results.
- Inshallah, your wish for a marriage will be fulfilled by the powerful almighty.
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