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How To Do Istikhara For Marriage?
How To Do Istikhara For Marriage? or how to do istikhara for marriage proposal? is our services here we will provide you istikhara for love marriage problems. We will solve your problems like how to perform istikhara for someone you love?
Marriage is a dream that everyone keeps in their mind secretly from their childhood. Life is troublesome, and you can’t spend it alone. It would be best if you had someone to hold your hand and guide you by walking side by side through the ups and downs of life.
How To Do Istikhara For Marriage
But, it is important to get a life partner whose thoughts matches with you and who has the same mental wavelength as you. Getting a perfect partner can make your life like heaven. Otherwise, a wrong partner can make your life a living hell. You can also use kisi ko shadi ke liye razi karne ki dua for marriage.
To get a perfect partner, you can take refuge in Allah. The prophet Muhammad said that seeking help from Allah can fulfill any wish. There are Istikhara, which can be used for fulfilling your desire. However, it is important to know how to do istikhara for marriage.
Doing it perfectly, you can get a perfect life partner and a happy conjugal life. So, to know how to do istikhara for marriage, you should follow the following procedure. It is simple and effective. A simple place is better for performing it. To relax and make your mood fresh, you can have a pleasant smell nearby.
Before starting, it make wuzu. After that, prey two raqats. Then try to concentrate on your feelings and make a dua stating your wish. You should seek goodness through the infinite knowledge and grace and state your decision and ask if this decision is good for you. Soon you will find a positive way, and you can progress in your life happily.
How To Do Istikhara For Marriage Proposal?
How To Do Istikhara For Marriage Proposal, To get a good marriage proposal is hard these days. However, If you are lucky enough, you can get a good marriage proposal. One can’t determine the value of a marriage proposal by the look, wealth, or family background. People now are hard to recognize.
The most good-looking proposal can be an evil wearing a mask. Getting married to a wrong person can ruin someone’s life. We can see several numbers of suicides, and most of them have the wrong marriage as their root cause. If you want quick marriage then use jaldi shadi hone ka wazifa and get marriage proposal quickly.
Istikhara dua is a process where you can seek help from Allah. Opting for it can be beneficial for you to make a good decision. But for that, you need to know How To Do Istikhara For Marriage Proposal. Without knowing How To Do Istikhara For Marriage Proposal, you cant get success.
Firstly, You should make fresh ablution after that two raqat namaz. Then recite Durood-Shareef thrice at the start and end. After reciting Durood-Shareef at the start, you should recite the following dua.
Allahuma ini astakhiruka biilmika, Wa astakdiruka biqudratika, Wa assaluka min fadlika alajim Fainaka takdiru Wala akdiru, Wa talamu Wala alamu, Wa anta allamu lghuyub. Allahuma, in kunta talam anna hadha-l-amra (this matter) Khairun lifi dini wa mashi wakibati amri Fakdirhu li wa yas-irhu li thumma barik li Fihi, Wa in kunta talamu anna hadha-lamra (this matter) shar-run li fi dini wa mashi wakibati amri Fasrifhu anni wasrifni anhu. Wakdir li alkhaira haithu kana Thumma ardini bihi
After the Hadha I Ama, recite your decision twice and then sleep facing the Khana Kaba. Inshallah, Allah will guide you through your dreams.
Istikhara For Love Marriage Problems
Istikhara For Love Marriage Problems, Falling in love is one thing; marrying your love is different. When you are deciding on marrying your loved ones, Istikhara For Love Marriage Problems can help you find the right solutions for you.
Through Istikhara, you seek Allah’s help while making a decision. It isn’t easy to understand a person. A person who is now going along very well with you can change drastically with time. So, it’s important to be sure before making a long time commitment. The main problem in love marriage is parents, so use wazifa for love marriage to agree parents and solve these problems.
Istikhara For Love Marriage Problems can surely cast away the dilemma and anxiety from your mind. By this istikhara, you can be sure that Allah is with you, and he will do what good for you all the time is. Sometimes love marriages can break due to the parents of the bride or groom. However, with this istikhara, you can be sure about your future life too.
You need to offer two raqat namaz at first. After that, recite Durood-Shareef 9 times. After that, recite Sura Fatiha 51 times. Then recite the following dua 41 times while thinking about your lover.
Ina Allah Yusmiu Manyashao
After that, recite Durood-Shareef again for nine times. Do this for a continuous nine days. Allah will guide you in your dreams. Soon you will get to know that this love marriage is good for you or not.
How To Perform Istikhara For Someone You Love?
How To Perform Istikhara For Someone You Love? Love is an amazing thing. When a person falls in love, the world becomes more beautiful to him/her. Living life with the person of your love is indeed pure bliss.
However, Islam thinks that for every person, there is someone in this world. We need to find that person who is ideal for us. It’s very important to find the correct companion.
Through Istikhara, we can seek help from Allah. We can get help through is infinite grace and mercy. However, if you want to do an Istikhara, then you need to know How To Perform Istikhara For Someone You Love. Without knowing the proper procedure, you can’t do any ritual. To know How To Perform Istikhara For Someone You Love, you can consider the following,
First of all, you need to offer two raqat namaz. After that, you need to recite Sura Kafiroon chapter 109 and Sura Al-Ikhlas section 112. Then it would be best if you chanted the following dua.
Innaka Allahuma Aqdeer Wata Taqdeero Wala Alamoo Wata Lamoo Wala Waa Antaa lam ghyuob fain ra fa fallan ra aeta ana natin
It would be best if you recited your lover’s name in the place of ‘fallan.’ And you need to perform this for seven days. You can get the sign anytime, anywhere. Only, You need to be prepared and keep faith in Allah.
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